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product liability (制造商應該負的)產品責任。


The author makes a distinction between products liability and products quality liability , points out that products liability should be defined as a special tort liability . the nature of products liability is illustrated from three aspects 文章指出,產品責任與產品質量責任不同,二者各有其特定的內涵,在外延上,產品質量責任大于產品責任,產品責任包含于產品質量責任之中,不能將二者混淆。

Moreover , it researches the contents of institues of main countries and analyses development and movement of international products liability institution , which is the base of perfect products liability in our country 然后,對主要國家的產品責任制度內容進行系統的分析,透視了國際產品責任制度的發展趨勢和新動態,導入了先進的研究成果。

Article 6 . 1 should only become effective after party b obtains all the necessary governmental approvals , product liability insurance and obtains the hcpcs code for the agreed products in the united states 2本條第一款生效的條件為乙方獲得代理在美國銷售的產品的一切政府批文、產品責任保險和健康普通程序編碼系統( hcpcs )代碼。

The consultation paper recommends that conditional fees be permitted for commercial cases in which award of damages is the primary remedy sought , for product liability cases and in professional negligence claims 諮詢文件建議,按條件收費可獲準在尋求判給損害賠償作為主要補償的商業案件產品責任案件及專業疏忽申索中采用。

The key issue is that the legislation body should establish related laws definitely and specifically as soon as possible so as to provide a lawful and reasonable way to protect pure economic loss in product liability 問題的關鍵在于立法部門應當盡快明確具體地確立相關的立法,為產品責任中的純經濟損失提供合理的保護路徑。

Product liability means damage compensation civil liability boren by manufacture and seller , when they offer defect products and bring personal and property loss to consumers 產品責任指生產者、銷售者因生產、銷售有缺陷產品致使他人遭受人身、財產損失所應承擔的損害賠償民事責任。

The pure economic loss in product liability has become not only a theoretical concern to the international community , but also a common challenge facing the courts in various countries 摘要產品責任中的純經濟損失不僅成為國際社會關注的理論焦點,而且成為各國法院面臨的共同難題。

And then the article analyzes the economic law character of this law and the relationship between the product recall law system and product liability law system 在此基礎上,文章對產品召回法的經濟法性質,以及它與產品責任法的關系等重要的一般性的法理問題作了詳細而深入的論證。

However , from the angle of laws interpretation the current legislation resources has also provided certain space for the survival of pure economic loss in product liability 不過,從法解釋學的角度看,我國現有的立法資源還是為產品責任中的純經濟損失留下了一定的生存空間。

The mutual aim of product liability laws in countries around the world is to protect consumers “ rights as well as take into consideration of the benefits of manufactures “ and sellers “ 保護消費者利益,兼顧生產者、銷售者的利益是世界各國產品責任法的共同追求。

Internationalized unity of products lability legislation must be based on the internationalization to which individual country legislation of products liability develops 摘要產品責任立法的國際統一化必須建立在各國的產品責任法朝著國際化發展的基礎上。

Vda - qmc offers a combined workshop to enhance the competence in product liability and its relation to the quality management system 德國汽車工業聯合會質量管理中心可以提供一個將如何提高產品可靠性的競爭力和產品可靠性與質量管理體系關系結合起來的培訓。

Fast delivery of original spare parts , which are manufactured according to strict quality standards to safeguard the guarantee and cover product liability 產品的原裝配件都是根據安全、可靠的保證標準嚴格制造生產的,這些配件保證供應迅速。

Product liability law in our country is still at the beginning stage and has many imperfect aspects compared with that in u . s . and main eu countries 我國的產品責任法處于初創階段,與美國、歐洲主要國家相比較,有許多不完善的地方。

The product liability laws in advanced countries including the us and european countries have detailed stipulations regarding product liability defense 摘要歐美及世界上發達國家的產品責任法對產品責任抗辯事由都作了較為詳盡的規定。

Product liability issues are already important for local suppliers when they start to plan to export their product into the global car industry 產品可靠性已成為國內供應商在開始計劃向全球汽車業出口他們的產品時考慮的重要問題。

To begin with , the article defines concept , law character of product liability , and interprets history development of products liability institution 首先,明確了產品責任的概念、法律特征及性質,闡述了產品責任制度的歷史發展。

Adopting the principle of strict liability to manufacturer and seller in the field of products liability is our inevitable choice 我國《產品質量法》對生產者實行嚴格責任原則、對銷售者實行過錯責任原則和嚴格責任原則相結合。

The author holds that attribution principle of products liability in china shall be perfected from the following aspects : 1 文章認為,應從以下幾個方面完善我國的產品責任歸責原則:其一,增設嚴格責任適用中的護聲辛事由。